Friday, January 22, 2010

The mighty Pen, or Keyboard for that matter!

Answer' defines WRITER'S BLOCK as
('tərz) n.
A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing.

I found other definitions but most of them had to do with writers who do so professionally so I decided to go with this one. My sister asked me recently if I had writers block and I figured she was referring to my lack of blogging. I realized that I was actually going through for lack of a better phrase, the opposite of writer's block.! I have had SO many things going on recently that I haven't been able to focus on one thing. I would like to write about.. There are SO many things going on now, good, bad and ugly.. How do you choose which is good enough or important enough to discuss.Then, I also realized that the beauty of blogging was that you can write about ALL of the things on your mind or none. However, writing, reading & ideas in general are so important.  I believe most people take for granted the many ways that we have available to us to express ourselves, then complain that they are never heard! Though I dont believe EVERYONE should be writing articles in the worlds most popular newspapers or magazines, what a privilege to be able to do something so simple as blog... =)

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