Friday, January 29, 2010

Let us pray

So I just finished reading John in THE BOOK! Which is HUGE for me because I have never made an attempt to go through the books of the New Testament. I have read bits here and there as many people have but this is a new "mission" for me.. As a student, I read a lot but over the years, being out of school, taking the time to read anything is something I pushed wayyyyy to the side & desperately want to change..  I found that as I was reading I was facing many different obstacles such as some health issues, day to day family issues that we all have and many internal issues just dealing with patience, etc.. Its so true that the "evil one" will do whatever he can to try and make you turn away! The more I tried to focus on the good and the progress I was making, the more something would inevitably come up!!
So each time that I was facing something difficult or unexpected I tried to focus on how selflessly Jesus himself had struggles in this world only he had to face them for us..! Just today, I had a moment when I lost my cool & my wise husband asked me "why didn't you just pray about it?" Its always humbling to be brought to your knees in the name of Christ by someone you love so dearly... Its just a reminder really, of how much I am loved by him & HIM

John 16:33

 33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

NOTHING is more AWESOME!!! In Christ there is no pain, no stress, no worry.. No loosing your cool! And for that, I am beyond thankful even though I am far from deserving! I know its when I try to be IN CONTROL that things get all out of whack. Its like having a baby... Conceiving is simple, delivering... Not so much!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Saturdays are for: 
wake up early, make Rei breakfast, get dressed for ballet..
Run out the door! "Mommy, where are my tap shoes?" "Be right back!"
"Mommy, Where's Daddy?" "Rei, you know he's at work." "Can I go?" asks Rei. "No honey, not today." "Mommy, come jump on the trampoline." 
"Rei, we have to drop K off at church or school or..." "Then can we jump on the trampoline?" "YES!"
Ring, Ring, Ring... "Hi Honey, you forgot your what?"
"BYE K". "Pick me up at... Please!" "Yes, send me a text message when you're done."
"MOMMY, NOWW can we jump on the Trampoline." "No honey, not yet. We have to bring Daddy his.." "But you said we can jump on the trampoline." 
(SIGH)-Thank you Lord for my life and all that you have blessed me with!
"Yes Reina we will, after we bring Daddy his."
Drop daddy his... "Here you go sweetie, love you, break a leg" "Love you daddy!" "Are you coming home soon?"
"Okay Rei, lets go jump on the trampoline." "but first lunch and AFTER I feed the dogs and let them out to pee!"
"Mom, can I have popcorn for lunch or is popcorn junk?" 
"Reina, you're having a sandwich for lunch!!"... Lunch, clean, trampoline, laundry, dogs, clean up, DINNER!! "Ahh, Rei, we have to pick up K". "I don't want to go, I will wait for you here!" "Lets go Rei, you KNOW you cannot stay here alone!!" 
"Hey K.." off we go....
Eat dinner, shower, walk dogs, brush teeth, story, pray, bed!
"Mommy, I don't WANT to go to bed." "I know Rei, lets go lay down then. But lets pray 1st."
"Good night Rei."

"I don't want to go to bed." "I know honey.." 
"goodnight mommy." "good night baby!" 

Friday, January 22, 2010

The mighty Pen, or Keyboard for that matter!

Answer' defines WRITER'S BLOCK as
('tərz) n.
A usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing.

I found other definitions but most of them had to do with writers who do so professionally so I decided to go with this one. My sister asked me recently if I had writers block and I figured she was referring to my lack of blogging. I realized that I was actually going through for lack of a better phrase, the opposite of writer's block.! I have had SO many things going on recently that I haven't been able to focus on one thing. I would like to write about.. There are SO many things going on now, good, bad and ugly.. How do you choose which is good enough or important enough to discuss.Then, I also realized that the beauty of blogging was that you can write about ALL of the things on your mind or none. However, writing, reading & ideas in general are so important.  I believe most people take for granted the many ways that we have available to us to express ourselves, then complain that they are never heard! Though I dont believe EVERYONE should be writing articles in the worlds most popular newspapers or magazines, what a privilege to be able to do something so simple as blog... =)

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Stand (Hillsong) -My prayer for 2010

You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand

You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all

So I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours

Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolution 2010

The first entry of 2010!! We started our New Year at home, just us the kids, pets & God! We didn't really have a plan this year which was nice for a change, but our not having a plan brought us an unexpected good time spending it with one another, playing wii & watching movies!.  Not to mention that for the first time in many years we started our year off with prayer. Not toasting champagne or dancing the night away but just expressing our hope for what was to come and giving thanks to our Almighty Savior! It felt so awesome to wake up the next morning feeling as though we had gotten it right. At least for the moment!! Later in the day we were graced with the company of some distant relative who sadly, we don't get to see very often! We again, shared memories, looked at pictures, caught up on life & shared about what God is doing in all of our lives. It was soooo awesome to tell about our experience with "feed my starving children", all of our church Xmas services and what God was calling us to do, this very weekend!! As we got ready for bed, we stopped to look through the pictures of friends, many that rung in the new year at different night venues and we realized that we were RIGHT where WE needed to be... Not for lack of many invitations but nothing else FELT right!!!

One of my favorite songs says:
Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home

And we thought, WOW!! How blessed is it to not feel that way!! We ARE HOME, literally & figuratively.. We are so NOT alone, we are SO alive and living life INTENTIONALLY!!! No resolutions we didn't intend to keep, no promises to later be broken or disappointments to regret!... And with every intention it is God & only God that can & will continue to mold, move and use our family in a way that we'd never imagined, & THAT make me happy. My one and only resolution for the year 2010 is to spend more QUIET time alone with the Lord & to pray MORE MORE MORE.. Not just for others but for myself & my family...I'm sure, if love is said to move mountains then the love of Jesus & prayer can move so much more!