Friday, January 29, 2010

Let us pray

So I just finished reading John in THE BOOK! Which is HUGE for me because I have never made an attempt to go through the books of the New Testament. I have read bits here and there as many people have but this is a new "mission" for me.. As a student, I read a lot but over the years, being out of school, taking the time to read anything is something I pushed wayyyyy to the side & desperately want to change..  I found that as I was reading I was facing many different obstacles such as some health issues, day to day family issues that we all have and many internal issues just dealing with patience, etc.. Its so true that the "evil one" will do whatever he can to try and make you turn away! The more I tried to focus on the good and the progress I was making, the more something would inevitably come up!!
So each time that I was facing something difficult or unexpected I tried to focus on how selflessly Jesus himself had struggles in this world only he had to face them for us..! Just today, I had a moment when I lost my cool & my wise husband asked me "why didn't you just pray about it?" Its always humbling to be brought to your knees in the name of Christ by someone you love so dearly... Its just a reminder really, of how much I am loved by him & HIM

John 16:33

 33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

NOTHING is more AWESOME!!! In Christ there is no pain, no stress, no worry.. No loosing your cool! And for that, I am beyond thankful even though I am far from deserving! I know its when I try to be IN CONTROL that things get all out of whack. Its like having a baby... Conceiving is simple, delivering... Not so much!

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